Demonstration of Data2LD: Incidence of cancer vrs age for American females in 2001.

Most people know that their chances of getting cancer increase as they age. In fact, by looking at data compiled by the National Cancer Institute, you can readily see that the incidence of cancer increases dramatically between the ages of 35 and 80.

A first-order ordinary differential equation

<span class='MathJax_Preview'><img src='' style='vertical-align: middle; border: none; padding-bottom:2px;' class='tex' alt=" />

has the solution

<span class='MathJax_Preview'><img src='' style='vertical-align: middle; border: none; padding-bottom:2px;' class='tex' alt=" />

where $C$ is any constant. This equation has infinitely many solutions depending on the coefficient $C$.

However, this solution exhibits:

  • exponential decay when $beta<0$ and
  • exponential growth when $beta>0$

Could we use this simple first-order ordinary-differential equation to describe the increase in the cancer incidences with advancing age?

This page provides a detailed description of the MATLAB calculations necessary to run Data2LD code for estimating the parameters and the solution of a linear differential equation to answer this question.


clear functions
close all

Load the data


set(phdl, 'LineWidth', 2)
ylabel('Cancer cases per 100,000 population')

Figure (1) illustrates $19$ observations of cancer cases measured from age 0.5 (6 months) to age 87.

The first order linear differential equation

The first order linear differential equation, as used in this example is

<span class='MathJax_Preview'><img src='' style='vertical-align: middle; border: none; padding-bottom:2px;' class='tex' alt=" />

The parameter $beta_{0}$ in the linear ODE conveys the exponential growth (if positive) or decay (if negative) in the cancer cases per 100,000 population as the individuals increase in age.

Our aim is to estimate the cancer cases $x(t)$ and the parameter $theta=beta_{0}$ from the data in Figure (1).

Set up basis functions for X

rng       = [yCell{1}(1,1),yCell{1}(end,1)];
knots     = linspace(rng(1),rng(end),17);
norder    = 4;
nbasis    = length(knots)+ (norder - 2);
Xbasisobj = create_bspline_basis(rng,nbasis,norder,knots);

For the expansion of $x(t)$ we used order four B-spline functions which by their nature have quadratic 1st derivatives. We used 17 equally spaced knots between the first age and last age.

Run Data2LD

Elapsed time is 0.146885 seconds.
Rho = 0.017986
Elapsed time is 0.022159 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0           0.685044     2.899689
  1           0.585193     0.006353
  2           0.585192     0.000099
  3           0.585192     0.000000
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.047426
Elapsed time is 0.007115 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0           2.157501    31.580614
  1           0.986640     0.011659
  2           0.986639     0.000000
  3           0.986639     0.000000
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.1192
Elapsed time is 0.004404 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0           1.364304    15.111482
  1           1.183677     0.120201
  2           1.183659     0.007687
  3           1.183659     0.000000
  4           1.183659     0.000000
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.26894
Elapsed time is 0.004613 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0           2.210732     5.826973
  1           2.206174     2.003834
  2           2.205552     0.000007
  3           2.205552     0.000007
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.5
Elapsed time is 0.005504 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0           8.932094    24.668212
  1           8.927238    19.587081
  2           8.918894     0.001299
  3           8.918894     0.001299
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.73106
Elapsed time is 0.007391 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0          50.086004   317.404345
  1          49.902561   211.418297
  2          49.753985     0.020389
  3          49.753985     0.000003
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.8808
Elapsed time is 0.004991 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0         273.304443  3492.861116
  1         266.798749   830.525108
  2         266.392399     0.247578
  3         266.392399     0.000023
  4         266.392399     0.000023
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.95257
Elapsed time is 0.008163 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0        1287.717764 25966.624253
  1        1208.446766    11.389006
  2        1208.446749     0.052566
  3        1208.446749     0.052566
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.97069
Elapsed time is 0.004982 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0        2428.563193 31142.857569
  1        2368.963070     3.445830
  2        2368.963069     0.006817
  3        2368.963069     0.006817
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.98201
Elapsed time is 0.004668 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0        4489.782266 64097.659926
  1        4354.083523   726.414294
  2        4354.065327     2.028102
  3        4354.065327     0.000001
  4        4354.065327     0.000001
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.98901
Elapsed time is 0.006144 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0        7722.533872 120190.917904
  1        7449.157831  5617.334077
  2        7448.539950    19.824171
  3        7448.539942     0.000162
  4        7448.539942     0.000162
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.99331
Elapsed time is 0.004972 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0       12251.252245 206960.235730
  1       11762.237808  3729.638910
  2       11762.077813     9.427963
  3       11762.077812     0.000010
  4       11762.077812     0.000010
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.99593
Elapsed time is 0.004120 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0       17729.824401 324423.391751
  1       16999.609058  9741.163187
  2       16998.958673     2.315216
  3       16998.958673     2.315216
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.99753
Elapsed time is 0.006425 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0       23218.776058 436232.145878
  1       22415.648247 38845.867141
  2       22409.253363    31.166360
  3       22409.253359     0.000294
  4       22409.253359     0.000294
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.9985
Elapsed time is 0.004287 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0       27807.849171 471685.381726
  1       27181.928628    46.098778
  2       27181.928622     0.046046
  3       27181.928622     0.046046
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.99909
Elapsed time is 0.004165 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0       31251.304301 415132.875069
  1       30889.361861    25.389049
  2       30889.361859     0.008810
  3       30889.361859     0.008810
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.99945
Elapsed time is 0.004520 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0       33695.515579 315771.647591
  1       33521.806820     2.157681
  2       33521.806820     2.157681
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.99966
Elapsed time is 0.004981 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0       35358.129071 219301.132475
  1       35283.440727     0.766985
  2       35283.440727     0.766985
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.9998
Elapsed time is 0.004569 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0       36448.866477 144230.172265
  1       36418.736938     0.276752
  2       36418.736938     0.276752
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.99988
Elapsed time is 0.005201 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0       37145.107063 91831.001853
  1       37133.429812  4772.896008
  2       37133.397841     0.049178
  3       37133.397841     0.049178
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.99993
Elapsed time is 0.004548 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0       37581.254238 57349.299817
  1       37576.805174  1356.638427
  2       37576.802667     0.006333
  3       37576.802667     0.006333
Convergence reached
Rho = 0.99995
Elapsed time is 0.006344 seconds.

Iter.        Criterion   Grad Length
  0       37851.149662 35402.716121
  1       37849.479451   352.401304
  2       37849.479285     0.000678
  3       37849.479285     0.000678
Convergence reached
Elapsed time is 0.054914 seconds.

Optimal rho values:
    Rho      Theta1    sdTheta1    MSE      ISE      Df       GCV  
    _____    ______    ________    _____    _____    _____    _____
      1      0.037      0.004      37577    0.026    1.116    42415

All rho values:
    Rho      Theta1    sdTheta1    MSE       ISE       Df        GCV   
    _____    ______    ________    ______    ______    ______    ______
    0.018     0.154      0.12       0.585    291.41    18.156    296.72
    0.047    -0.038      0.16       0.987    171.35    18.064    406.38
    0.119    -0.011     0.084       1.184    172.45    18.015    440.22
    0.269    -0.009     0.042       2.206    361.52    17.944    714.28
      0.5    -0.008     0.028       8.919    638.99    17.652      1772
    0.731    -0.006      0.02      49.754    841.37    16.611    3146.7
    0.881    -0.002     0.014      266.39    817.49    14.284    4324.1
    0.953     0.004      0.01      1208.4    600.26    11.043    6890.9
    0.971     0.008     0.009        2369    461.15     9.396    9271.9
    0.982     0.012     0.008      4354.1     324.9     7.867     12682
    0.989     0.017     0.008      7448.5    205.69     6.504     17219
    0.993     0.022     0.007       11762    114.04     5.316     22677
    0.996     0.026     0.006       16999    54.728     4.294     28374
    0.998      0.03     0.005       22409    23.403     3.426     33351
    0.998     0.033     0.005       27182     9.363     2.714     36998
    0.999     0.034     0.004       30889     3.621     2.164     39339
    0.999     0.035     0.004       33522     1.374     1.763     40731
        1     0.036     0.004       35283     0.516     1.488     41532
        1     0.036     0.004       36419     0.192     1.306     41992
        1     0.037     0.004       37133     0.071     1.189     42258
        1     0.037     0.004       37577     0.026     1.116     42415
        1     0.037     0.004       37849      0.01     1.071     42507


The GCV indicates a model with a lower $rho$ provides a model with better predictive power. This suggests that the differential equation does not describe the behaviour of the data well and perhaps a more complex equation would provide a better description of the data.

Plot the fitted curve with its confidence and prediction intervals

This Figure illustrates the cancer cases per 100,000 population indicated by the circles. The fitted curve produced by Data2LD with $hat{rho} = 0.99$ (solid line), the approximated 95% pointwise confidence interval for the curve (dashed line) and the approximated 95% pointwise prediction interval for the curve (grey region).

t seems the differential equation is too simple to capture the behaviour of the cancer cases; maybe we should try letting the parameter $beta$ vary over age. This implies that the rate of growth/decline of cancer incidences changes with advancing age. See for the analysis with an age-varying parameter for further details.

hp = patch([yCell{1}(:,1); yCell{1}(end:-1:1,1);yCell{1}(1)],...
    [Results_cell{4}(:,4); Results_cell{4}(end:-1:1,5); Results_cell{4}(1)],[0.85 0.85 0.85]);
hold on;
plot(yCell{1}(:,1), yCell{1}(:,2), 'ko');
ylabel('Cancer cases per 100,000 population')
legend('Prediction Interval','Confidence Interval','Confidence Interval','Fitted Curve','Data','Location','northwest')

Plot the estimated parameters of the ODE and their approximated CI with respect to rho

The values of the parameter and its approximated 95% confidence interval over values of $rho$ converging to 1.0. Note the reduction in the width of the approximated 95% confidence intervals as $rho$ increase and the overlap of the final estimates of the ODE parameter, which illustrates that the parameter value has stabilised for high values of $rho$.

The optimal estimate of the parameter $beta$ is $0.037$ with a 95% confidence interval between 0.028 and 0.045.

Res_Mat         = table2array(Res);
df              = Results_cell{3,1}(3);
t_v             = tinv(0.975,length(yCell{1}(:,1))-df);
indexOfInterest = (Res_Mat(:,1) > 0.95);

hold on;

Check fit to the ODE

Dfit   = eval_fd(yCell{1}(:,1), getfd(Results_cell{1}),1);
RHS    = Results_cell{2}(1).*Results_cell{4}(:,1);

hold on;
legend('Left-Hand side of the ODE','Right-Hand side of the ODE','Location','best')
ylabel('Velocity of the cancer cases per 100,000 population')

The difference between the LHS and RHS of the ODE is negligible, indicating that the ODE is satisfied.

Check the residuals

Check the normality

res = yCell{1}(:,2)-Results_cell{4}(:,1);
h = normplot(res);
h(1).LineWidth = 2;
h(2).LineWidth = 2;
h(3).LineWidth = 2;

Our qqplot indicates that the residuals are not normal distribution, as the quantiles of the residuals do not generally line up with the red dashed line. The histogram does not have the features of a normal distribution. That is it's not symmetric and does not have a bell-shape.

Check the fitted vrs residuals plot


If the model is specified correctly, we should see random scatter in a constant band around zero with no patterns in the plot and no funnels. We can see a clear non-linear pattern in the below plot indicating that the model does not adequately capture the complexity of the data.